41.   Marxist groups have been helping farm laborers fight landlords who often exploit illiterate workers by not paying them wages or giving them loans at exorbitant interest.

42.   One of the biggest drawbacks about teleworking, however, is the justified fear that workers can be exploited.

43.   Recently, several Indonesian factories, contracted to make sports shoes for export, have been accused of underpaying and exploiting workers.

44.   Taiwan authorities said Monday they would look into allegations that migrant workers are exploited by recruiters who charge them exorbitant fees.

45.   The Catholic Office for Social Justice said New Zealand businesses that invested in the Philippines should not use low wage rates to exploit the workers.

46.   The Government should heed the call by the trade unions that unscrupulous employers do not take advantage of the economic downturn to short-change or exploit their workers.

47.   U.S. trade unions could use the perception that Cambodian workers are exploited or abused to lobby against trade privileges they feel would cost American jobs, Cham Prasidh said.

48.   Without naming specific companies, Maus complained about businesses that exploit immigrant workers.

49.   Cracking down means also targetting abusive employers such as sweatshops, which violate US labor law by hiring and exploiting foreign workers, she said.

50.   Yusuf Botomani, one of the hundreds of striking workers, accused their Asian employers of exploiting black workers.

v. + worker >>共 980
hire 4.61%
kill 3.75%
protect 2.79%
pay 2.61%
fire 2.26%
represent 2.13%
injure 1.89%
send 1.52%
keep 1.51%
say 1.36%
exploit 0.58%
exploit + n. >>共 691
opportunity 3.41%
worker 2.81%
weakness 2.81%
loophole 2.76%
situation 2.54%
child 2.44%
resource 1.52%
difference 1.46%
division 1.46%
technology 1.35%
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