41.   Although the games are a little more expensive than the other consoles, they make up for the difference with the kid-friendly content.

42.   And a costly securities tax means that buying a stock in Tokyo is significantly more expensive than buying the same stock in London.

43.   And color inkjet printers are much less expensive than even a good black and white laser printer.

44.   An afternoon function is generally less expensive than an evening one.

45.   And finally, most people find real estate in Florida to be less expensive than elsewhere, and especially so if that elsewhere happens to be Southern California.

46.   And all its businesses are trying to sell more to existing customers, which is less expensive than trying to woo new ones.

47.   And a color-lift is less expensive than a remodel.

48.   And both are far less expensive than other government-run institutions.

49.   And property in the flood plains is generally less expensive than on higher ground.

50.   And running houses on fuel cells is substantially more expensive than relying on power from conventional utility plants.

a. + than >>共 1085
important 7.34%
likely 3.05%
expensive 2.93%
attractive 1.74%
effective 1.64%
difficult 1.27%
complicated 1.26%
powerful 1.22%
dangerous 1.18%
popular 1.10%
expensive + p. >>共 45
than 32.38%
for 26.16%
in 19.38%
to 6.11%
as 4.24%
by 1.87%
of 1.43%
on 1.27%
because_of 0.94%
aboard 0.83%
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