41.   The exit polling was conducted by Voter News Service, a consortium of The Associated Press and ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN.

42.   The dangers of putting too much emphasis on exit polling became clear when networks tried to illustrate how registered Republicans voted, without the influence of independents.

43.   The exit polling was conducted by a consortium of The Associated Press and the television networks.

44.   The exit polling was conducted by Voter News Service, a consortium of the AP and television networks.

45.   The exit polling is conducted nationwide by Voter News Service, a consortium of the television networks and The Associated Press.

46.   The South Carolina exit polling showed that Bush also was able to turn the tables on negative campaigning.

47.   Votes will be counted Saturday, but early indications of the results were expected late Friday from exit polling.

48.   VNS is the primary source of exit polling used by news organizations in the United States.

49.   Washington now places no restrictions on exit polling.

n. + polling >>共 19
exit 49.00%
opinion 12.00%
campaign 6.00%
push 6.00%
telephone 5.00%
weekend 4.00%
observer 3.00%
ballot 2.00%
country 2.00%
time 2.00%
exit + n. >>共 121
strategy 14.73%
visa 10.17%
door 8.74%
ramp 6.91%
polling 6.39%
point 4.17%
route 3.65%
interview 3.65%
permit 3.52%
sign 3.13%
每页显示:    共 49