41.   A century later, the Wildean spirit of flamboyance is spectacularly reborn, ready to erupt into the glittery, pansexual pop utopia over which Bowie so dramatically presided.

42.   A bipartisan congressional news conference erupted into a shouting match and helped show why the Republican-led House shifted course and voted to recall furloughed federal workers.

43.   A decision by the Library of Congress to cancel an exhibit of slavery-era photographs just five hours after it opened has erupted into a national controversy.

44.   A gnarled, bearded, gnomelike man, so frail-looking you expect him to break, suddenly erupts into transporting laughter.

45.   A loud hello was heard, and the crowd erupted into cheers and laughter.

46.   A gang fight between Muslims and Christian migrants erupted into fierce rioting Sunday in this already tense city.

47.   A new LAPD policy targets hate crimes by increasing accountability and joining with community groups to prevent prejudice from erupting into crime.

48.   A simmering conflict erupted into open warfare between Zaire and Rwanda on Friday as the two countries traded heavy artillery barrages.

49.   A sixth-grade football game erupts into violence involving players, coaches and parents.

50.   After a couple of penalties, he called the team together and erupted into a profanity-laced tirade about the importance of being focused in practice.

v. + into >>共 884
crash 4.56%
step 2.82%
slam 2.67%
fit 2.35%
continue 2.07%
evolve 2.00%
allow 1.96%
flee 1.82%
venture 1.71%
buy 1.71%
erupt 0.99%
erupt + p. >>共 55
in 39.03%
into 11.46%
over 6.34%
between 5.31%
at 4.32%
on 4.18%
from 4.06%
after 3.85%
with 3.24%
across 2.23%
每页显示:    共 485