41.   Entire regions have been gutted.

42.   For awhile there, an entire region rallied around a professional baseball team.

43.   For its part, Eritrea has refused to withdraw unless the entire region is demilitarized.

44.   For the entire region the median price has declined once during the past year, has increased four times and has remained unchanged seven times.

45.   Furthermore, it was admitted that figures for one area had been extrapolated for the entire region.

46.   Furthermore, having healthy markets abroad will help pull the entire region out of the economic crisis quicker than the rest of the nation, Ruiz said.

47.   Had it been given the opportunity, it had all the elements to be one of the most prosperous and progressive countries in this entire region.

48.   Having once owned the Carolinas, the Hornets have clearly lost the entire region.

49.   He said before leaving Iran that the killing of the Iranian diplomats had created serious tensions and dangers for the entire region.

50.   Hofer did what an entire region has done for the last two days.

a. + region >>共 728
southern 4.04%
northern 3.53%
mountainous 2.13%
remote 1.96%
eastern 1.93%
entire 1.92%
same 1.92%
breakaway 1.91%
disputed 1.84%
autonomous 1.79%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
每页显示:    共 275