41.   Unable to contain his frustration, Weizman called Monday for early elections over the deadlock in the peace talks.

42.   With the election over, they feel a lack of international scrutiny makes them easy targets.

43.   Gonzalez also rejected calls by the opposition rightwing Popular Party for him to call early elections over the latest scandal to hit his government.

44.   However these results supposed that recent pressure on the franc began to ease, with the presidential election over.

45.   The only results not recorded were from five small villages which boycotted the election over local issues.

46.   Nsur could not confirm whether Netanyahu would participate after he was declared the winner Friday in Israeli elections over incumbent Shimon Peres.

47.   Nsur could not confirm whether Netanyahu, the right-wing challenger, would participate after he was declared the winner Friday in Israeli elections over incumbent Shimon Peres.

48.   Several opposition parties and hundreds of candidates have been barred from participating in the elections over allegations of irregularities in their paperwork.

49.   Taiwan voters took a measured step towards multi-party democracy in landmark elections over the weekend, analysts said Monday.

50.   The bourse was also pleased with a better-than-expected performance by the Liberal Party in regional elections over the weekend.

n. + over >>共 1357
concern 3.71%
dispute 3.58%
debate 3.01%
win 1.39%
battle 1.30%
controversy 1.10%
sovereignty 0.94%
authority 0.86%
fight 0.84%
difference 0.83%
election 0.05%
election + p. >>共 87
in 38.59%
of 10.89%
for 10.64%
to 7.93%
as 5.20%
by 3.95%
on 3.90%
with 1.92%
under 1.82%
after 1.64%
over 0.54%
每页显示:    共 51