41.   When the eggs hatched in her basement, she called the Columbus zoo.

42.   After the egg hatches, the maggot decapitates the ant by eating the brain and other contents of the head.

43.   An egg hatches and you learn how difficult it is to raise a pet.

44.   As those eggs hatch, the larvae chew their way along in the trunk, killing the tree.

45.   But garlic mustard is toxic to the butterfly, and its eggs are not hatching.

46.   Four days later, the eggs hatched into tadpoles that appeared normal.

47.   If infested eggs hatch at all, the young can emerge disfigured, often lacking a wing or a leg.

48.   On the display screen, an egg hatches and a chicken is born as the game begins.

49.   The adults quickly die, but the eggs hatch in a few weeks and drop to the ground.

50.   The adults quickly die, but the eggs hatch in a few weeks and the young drop to the ground.

n. + hatch >>共 88
egg 33.71%
larva 5.62%
chick 5.06%
turtle 2.25%
caterpillar 1.12%
couple 1.12%
government 1.12%
company 1.12%
bird 1.12%
entrepreneur 1.12%
egg + v. >>共 202
be 29.87%
hatch 7.69%
beat 5.00%
have 3.21%
become 2.56%
come 2.05%
contain 1.54%
begin 1.41%
take 1.15%
produce 1.03%
每页显示:    共 60