41.   The editorial staffs of the Examiner and Chronicle were invited to gather at the Examiner shortly before noon.

42.   The Free Press and News have separate editorial staffs but share many non-news functions.

43.   The front-page article was signed by a Russian Army lieutenant colonel from the Red Star editorial staff.

44.   The newspapers split all revenue evenly after joint costs, but then use their respective shares to pay for their independent editorial staffs.

45.   The letter is the latest turn in a controversy that raises questions about how publications covering business news handle investments by members of their editorial staffs.

46.   The papers publish under a joint operating agreement, which keeps the editorial staffs separate but combines their printing, distribution and advertising staffs.

47.   The prospect of moving editorial operations from the Harvard Medical Area to Waltham is strongly opposed by Angell and the editorial staff.

48.   The truth, of course, is that the numbers of black journalists still constitute a relatively small percentage of the editorial staff of most print and broadcast newsrooms.

49.   Thefinancialcafe.com also has its own editorial staff, cranking out investment-related articles for clients.

50.   They have separate editorial staffs, and the connection between the cable network and the Web site is still in its nacent stages.

a. + staff >>共 1114
coaching 14.31%
pitching 5.98%
medical 5.58%
senior 2.75%
new 2.38%
sales 1.88%
local 1.43%
skeleton 1.43%
entire 1.33%
congressional 1.32%
editorial 1.09%
editorial + n. >>共 310
page 14.97%
writer 11.62%
board 8.36%
staff 4.80%
content 4.70%
director 4.54%
policy 2.37%
independence 2.07%
cartoon 2.01%
control 1.91%
每页显示:    共 92