41.   It drew the ire of a few St. Louis players.

42.   It was a close call that drew the ire of the Notre Dame fans, who had been warned twice about throwing things on the court.

43.   Johnson drew the ire of Republicans when he said Southern states could be readmitted to the Union with little federal oversight.

44.   Knight has drawn the ire of officiating chief Hank Nichols, who wants him to either retract the statement or provide evidence to support it.

45.   Later, cassette tapes drew the ire of recording companies.

46.   Mining and grazing provisions tucked into the Interior spending bill are necessary to protect the industries, western senators say, but they have drawn the ire of environmentalists.

47.   McGovern acknowledged that the proposal could well draw the ire of the drug companies, but said she nevertheless thought it was fair.

48.   Moreover, Breyer drew conservative ire for his passionate dissent in the gun-free school zones case, United States v. Lopez.

49.   Now the new parking rules have drawn the ire of some native New Yorkers, as well.

50.   One agency drawing the ire of Rector says its rescuers have been harassed and intimidated.

v. + ire >>共 63
draw 35.06%
raise 22.92%
arouse 6.29%
earn 2.92%
provoke 2.70%
risk 2.70%
rouse 2.70%
direct 2.47%
attract 1.57%
stir 1.57%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
ire 0.77%
每页显示:    共 155