41.   Most of the children in the home are girls, who are preferred by child traffickers for use as domestic servants, Agbidi said.

42.   Most are illegal immigrants who work for low pay on coffee and sugar farms, on construction sites, and as domestic servants.

43.   Others work as domestic servants.

44.   Slaves worked as domestic servants at the White House in several administrations.

45.   She is not a domestic servant.

46.   The mass wedding was widely condemned by Philippine officials, who claimed the church was recruiting Filipino sex partners and domestic servants for Korean men.

47.   There is nothing wrong in taking up jobs as an ordinary worker or as a domestic servant, if one has to survive.

48.   They work in carpet weaving factories, textile industries, garages, brick kilns, foundries, tanneries, bakeries, restaurants, construction sites and as domestic servants.

49.   Thousands of children work as laborers, domestic servants, workers and in various areas.

50.   In the vibrant commercial capital Lagos, thousands of Beninois, Ghanaian and Chadian street hawkers, domestic servants and labourers rub shoulders with Souters agree.

a. + servant >>共 140
domestic 16.01%
indentured 10.96%
loyal 4.21%
humble 4.21%
royal 3.93%
household 3.09%
black 3.09%
male 2.25%
personal 1.40%
faithful 1.40%
domestic + n. >>共 827
violence 7.67%
demand 4.51%
product 4.33%
market 4.30%
flight 2.68%
investor 2.14%
economy 1.88%
issue 1.68%
politics 1.66%
policy 1.65%
servant 0.32%
每页显示:    共 57