41.   But Yunus believes that more has to be done to bring the Internet and its services to the poor of the world.

42.   Despite the progress, the U.N. representative to this impoverished Caribbean country said more must be done to bring corrupt officers to justice.

43.   He told reporters he hoped more could be done to bring home Dirk Hasert, of Erfurt, Germany, and the three other men.

44.   I THINK it is about time that something is done to bring schoolbus drivers in line.

45.   Kinkel told reporters he hoped more could be done to bring home Dirk Hasert, of Erfurt, Germany and the others.

46.   The spokesman said serious joint work must now be done to bring the law into line with the constitution.

47.   We shall now consider what exactly the people in the palm oil sector have done to bring the industry to the high point on which it rests today.

48.   But speaking on the British television network Channel Four, he said everything would be done to bring the situation back to normal over the next weeks.

v. + bring >>共 262
work 12.03%
use 8.31%
do 5.96%
forecast 4.47%
be 2.98%
walk 1.99%
can 1.61%
fight 1.61%
act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
do + v. >>共 991
help 5.70%
make 5.04%
get 3.73%
prevent 3.34%
stop 2.69%
keep 2.27%
improve 2.05%
protect 1.96%
be 1.64%
win 1.62%
bring 0.89%
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