41.   Police arrested six people for displaying signs from illegal organizations.

42.   A few of the street musicians and beggars on Grafton Street apparently agreed, displaying handwritten signs saying they accepted euro.

43.   After a few days of such stress, the mouse will die, and on autopsy, its tissues will display many signs of accelerated ageing.

44.   Archaeologist Darren Griffin said although the cannons displayed signs of corrosion, detail of their construction was still visible.

45.   Broadcasters and others who had worked with Saam remembered him as an even-tempered professional who never displayed any signs of an ego.

46.   But an experienced clay-court specialist, Costa averted disaster, winning the tiebreak against the Moroccan, who began to display signs of fatigue and passivity.

47.   But it is displaying usual signs of friendship and warmth toward Abdullah, who appears lukewarm toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

48.   But an experienced clay-court specialist, Costa averted disaster, winning the tiebreaker against the Moroccan, who began to display signs of fatigue and passivity.

49.   But it is displaying unusual signs of friendship and warmth toward Abdullah, who appears lukewarm toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

50.   Dozens of protesters opposed to nuclear testing in the Mururoa Atoll marched in front of the embassy, displaying signs against the recent decision by French President Jacques Chirac.

v. + sign >>共 481
show 50.21%
see 8.45%
find 3.62%
give 2.68%
post 2.28%
carry 1.59%
have 1.32%
detect 1.14%
hold 1.01%
wave 1.00%
display 0.80%
display + n. >>共 1287
photograph 1.75%
picture 1.72%
flag 1.67%
sign 1.63%
information 1.53%
image 1.51%
emotion 1.22%
message 1.17%
skill 1.10%
talent 1.05%
每页显示:    共 68