41.   Helmeted riot police wielding truncheons dispersed groups of demonstrators.

42.   Helmeted riot police wielding truncheons dispersed groups of demonstrators and the sound of gunfire could still be heard mid-afternoon.

43.   In the southwestern city of Neuquen, police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse groups of youths as they tried to loot supermarkets, provincial authorities said.

44.   Anti-riot police, soldiers and plainclothes security officers dispersed the group as the demonstrators tried to block the four-lane avenue in front of the court.

45.   Witnesses said that US soldiers deployed at the nearby airport had asked the Haitian police to hold off dispersing a group of pro-Aristide demonstrators.

46.   When the police dispersed the various groups, they simply reformed in another location, where their demonstration was again broken up by the security forces.

47.   It was the third night running that Paris police had resorted to teargas to disperse groups of young protesters.

48.   On Monday, fighting broke out after Croat police opened fire to disperse a group of Moslems trying to visit family graves in the west of the city.

49.   Police sealed off a pedestrian zone in the city centre and were dispersing any groups of more than two people.

50.   Policemen also used tear-gas to disperse a group of several thousands of demonstrators chanting anti-government slogan along Ikorodu road, the largest expressway in the metropolis, they said.

v. + group >>共 783
join 4.60%
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say 1.88%
accuse 1.53%
support 1.50%
include 1.48%
head 1.43%
represent 1.20%
have 1.17%
take 1.15%
disperse 0.48%
disperse + n. >>共 260
crowd 28.22%
protester 8.57%
demonstrator 6.99%
hundred 4.31%
mob 3.33%
group 3.11%
demonstration 2.73%
rioter 2.29%
student 2.07%
protestor 1.64%
每页显示:    共 57