41.   The EPA was distressed to learn last fall that the city had allowed developers to build septic tanks on steeply sloping hills, contrary to its own rules.

42.   The government wants private developers to build more low-cost housing to meet rising expectations of its people and reverse three years of slowing economic growth.

43.   The Sierra Club wants even more restrictions, growth boundaries that would limit where a developer could build anything.

44.   The system uses so-called objects, or blocks of code that make it easier for developers to build practical programs.

45.   The rules would curtail a longstanding practice that permits developers to build higher buildings in exchange for creating plazas or other public amenities at ground level.

46.   To accommodate buyers who need help in picking what they want, some developers are building elaborate design centers.

47.   Today, Love Canal has become such a hot real estate market that one developer is building new houses within view of the dump site.

48.   Under Tennessee law, private developers can build over grave sites as long as they relocate them to a place where people can visit.

49.   Until now, developers have mainly built rental apartments, since only rental projects are eligible to receive federal historic tax credits.

50.   A private developer would build the wind farm.

n. + build >>共 1334
company 7.87%
pressure 5.16%
government 2.44%
tension 1.53%
worker 1.39%
people 1.37%
city 1.35%
developer 1.20%
team 0.97%
money 0.95%
developer + v. >>共 527
be 10.48%
say 6.55%
have 5.35%
build 2.68%
want 1.80%
plan 1.80%
use 1.57%
hope 1.43%
take 1.34%
create 1.20%
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