41.   He said the investigation could end up delaying votes on legislation to cut government payrolls and social security spending security.

42.   His Republican rivals for the White House wasted no time in jumping all over Dole for his announcement that he intended to delay the vote.

43.   His insistence on delaying a vote led Mitchell to warn that he would keep the Senate in session all weekend if necessary.

44.   However, Republican leaders worked out an agreement with the National Rifle Association and other gun proponents to delay a vote on that controversial issue until later this year.

45.   I saw a report that the vote might be delayed because of Hurricane Opal.

46.   If the impeachment vote is delayed until the new Congress takes office in January, another resolution appointing managers will have to be considered by the new Congress.

47.   If he does sue, she said, the suit would seek to delay a vote because of inadequate environmental studies.

48.   If the vote is delayed, the center will try to organize another observer mission for the new date, she said.

49.   Instead, Alejandro Toledo asked President Alberto K. Fujimori to delay the vote for three weeks so international election monitors could test computer systems to ensure a clean vote.

50.   It is not clear whether Parliament will act now on a conversion bill or will delay a vote until a new Parliament is elected in May.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
delay + n. >>共 1028
start 3.70%
flight 3.18%
decision 2.89%
vote 2.51%
plan 2.11%
trial 1.86%
action 1.71%
project 1.64%
departure 1.63%
release 1.59%
每页显示:    共 224