41.   Castro has openly defended his right to conduct intelligence operations in the United States.

42.   Chief among them is whether the personal cost that inventors and entrepreneurs must bear is worth the fight to defend their rights.

43.   Continental spokesman David Messing said the Dulles sitution was unique, but the airline would not hesitate to defend the right of its passengers to avoid templates.

44.   Defending abortion rights and protecting affirmative action programs are important causes but lack attention-grabbing freshness.

45.   Defending the rights of accused terrorists is not going to be politically popular.

46.   Each commissioner defended his right to pray as he wished.

47.   Edna Rodrigues, a second-grade teacher at the Richard J. Murphy Elementary School in Dorchester, said Boston teachers feel pushed to defend their rights.

48.   For instance, labor officials are pushing for stronger language defending the rights of workers to form unions.

49.   He defends animal rights by storming into slaughter houses to make sure the pigs are being butchered in a humane manner.

50.   He has encouraged Mexican consular officials in the United States, for instance, to vigorously defend the rights of migrant workers, including those without documents.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
defend + n. >>共 1526
champion 8.97%
title 5.82%
decision 4.75%
action 2.77%
right 2.52%
currency 1.54%
record 1.38%
policy 1.36%
position 1.24%
practice 1.12%
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