41.   The system rates shows in six categories based on what is deemed appropriate for children, according to their age.

42.   These companies believe that their employees will get better care, and they hope their workers will be less inclined to proceed with treatments deemed not appropriate.

43.   Participants must agree to accept more intensive treatment or other forms of education, or additional meetings if the bail commissioner deems it appropriate.

44.   Fagan, who initiated the action against Swiss banks two years ago, said he is willing to accept whatever fee is deemed appropriate by a court.

45.   Identification is simpler for Roman Catholics, Protestants and Muslims, who generally accept whatever method the medical examiner deems appropriate.

46.   Israel has said it will respond harshly to any Iraqi strike against the Jewish state, using any military means it deems appropriate.

47.   Richardson did not spell out what action the United States deemed appropriate, but accused Iraq of systematically refusing to cooperate U.N. inspectors.

48.   President B.J. Habibie on Saturday said there will be no press censorship in Indonesia and the media are free publish whatever they deem appropriate.

49.   Putin said today that Russia was still planning for a meeting between President Boris Yeltsin and Maskhadov, but that it would take place when Yeltsin deems it appropriate.

50.   Richardson did not spell out what action the United States deemed appropriate but accused Iraq of systematically refusing to cooperate U.N. inspectors.

v. + appropriate >>共 9
deem 41.13%
consider 22.70%
think 22.70%
make 6.38%
find 3.55%
believe 1.42%
call 0.71%
hold 0.71%
judge 0.71%
deem + a. >>共 553
necessary 8.12%
appropriate 2.96%
dangerous 1.99%
safe 1.99%
important 1.99%
worthy 1.94%
inappropriate 1.79%
essential 1.68%
illegal 1.58%
responsible 1.33%
每页显示:    共 58