41.   Ending the rebellion would be a crowning achievement for Ramos, a former military chief of staff who helped lead brutal campaigns against the Muslim secessionists.

42.   Environmentalists call the effort a crowning achievement of the Clinton presidency and one of the most important conservation moves of the last century.

43.   Fish made raising this standard his life work, and raising the quality of the water in the Thames was his crowning achievement.

44.   If he pulls it off, it could be the crowning achievement in a long and brilliant career.

45.   It was the crowning achievement of a masterful career in which he also won two world championships and four national titles.

46.   The former three-time heavyweight champion envisions the center as a crowning achievement to his humanitarian efforts around the world.

47.   For Marshall President Amata Kabua -- a paramount traditional chief and the only head of state the country has ever had -- the forum is a crowning achievement.

48.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher hopes to make an Israeli-Syrian peace agreement the crowning achievement of his diplomatic tenure.

49.   Most-favored nation trading status is considered by the administration as the crowning achievement in relations-building and one of the final steps in normalisation.

50.   Smashing the gang was the crowning achievement of an anti-drug campaign for which Colombians have given Samper high marks.

a. + achievement >>共 478
academic 6.09%
remarkable 3.32%
greatest 2.95%
major 2.86%
great 2.72%
crowning 2.31%
outstanding 2.12%
individual 1.98%
educational 1.71%
high 1.48%
crowning + n. >>共 32
achievement 33.33%
moment 16.67%
glory 10.67%
touch 8.67%
blow 4.67%
ceremony 2.67%
jewel 2.67%
irony 2.00%
event 1.33%
feature 1.33%
每页显示:    共 50