41.   At Atlanta, however, the Kenyans will have to cross swords over both distances with the one man who stands between them and world supremacy.

42.   But as the deadline for election looms only two weeks away, Jospin and Hue are crossing swords in public, quarrelling over both power and policy.

43.   Charlton also crossed swords with FIFA over the tackle-from-behind ruling and giving players drinks during matches.

44.   The reference was undoubtedly aimed at the bitter clash between national security adviser Alexander Lebed and Interior Minister Anatoly Kulikov, who have crossed swords repeatedly over Chechnya.

45.   Watt had already crossed swords with the ACF earlier in the year, as she sought a written guarantee to ride the event.

46.   Kulikov and Lebed have repeatedly crossed swords over Chechnya.

47.   Montella earlier this week crossed swords with AS Roma team-mate Totti when the latter said that it was natural that he be paired with Vieri.

48.   On foreign policy, the Americans and Europeans recently crossed swords on naming a replacement for UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

49.   President Nelson Mandela and Truth and Reconciliation Commission deputy chairman Alex Boraine crossed swords Tuesday over the sacking of Deputy Environment Minister Bantu Holomisa.

50.   The contestants, who were united throughout the war, have now started to cross swords.

v. + sword >>共 105
cross 18.05%
wield 4.33%
draw 3.97%
carry 3.61%
brandish 3.25%
raise 2.89%
hold 2.17%
turn 2.17%
present 2.17%
get 1.81%
cross + n. >>共 532
border 24.61%
line 13.89%
path 4.50%
street 4.13%
finger 3.43%
bridge 2.94%
river 2.67%
mind 2.41%
road 2.38%
point 2.16%
sword 0.77%
每页显示:    共 50