41.   And Baker, Lollar and Gwen had criminal records.

42.   An impoverished Mr. Doe is more likely to be incarcerated and tagged with a criminal record that limits employment possibilities.

43.   And DeFlumer, afraid to tell landlords of his criminal record, also had no luck.

44.   And Gutierrez Rebollo was leaning heavily on Hodoyan to talk by offering to place him in a government witness program where his past criminal record would be erased.

45.   And he lied to the police about his criminal record of robbery and assault charges.

46.   And some of the witnesses, with criminal records of their own, gave testimony that differed markedly from statements they gave to police, she alleges.

47.   And poor neighborhoods, which in theory should produce an ample supply of recruits, struggle with high percentages of teen-agers having criminal records that disqualify them.

48.   And the federal computerized criminal information and retrieval system, as well of state and local criminal records, have huge gaps.

49.   And the proposed law would require that the criminal records of repeat juvenile offenders, which are now sealed under confidentiality laws, become a matter of public record.

50.   Another client informed the firm that Stearns had been convicted of a felony in Maryland, but the firm never asked Stearns about his criminal record, Shaunessy said.

a. + record >>共 677
criminal 7.98%
medical 4.41%
best 3.77%
high 3.14%
public 3.07%
new 2.88%
winning 2.29%
financial 1.78%
voting 1.53%
previous 1.53%
criminal + n. >>共 302
charge 15.23%
investigation 9.00%
record 7.00%
case 6.89%
activity 3.88%
trial 3.42%
prosecution 3.34%
gang 2.72%
complaint 2.21%
act 1.96%
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