41.   This integrity was hardly preserved by stripping jurors of their right to free speech by a new criminal offence which itself carried no right to trial by jury.

42.   The justices accepted that publication of those documents would harm the national interest, and might even make the newspaper guilty of a criminal offence.

43.   The Obscene Publications Act is an exception to the general rule that criminal offences require an intention to offend.

44.   The exception in relation to tobacco recognises the difficulty of making the supply of tobacco a criminal offence.

45.   The film comes at a time when Home Secretary Kenneth Baker is considering making squatting a criminal offence.

46.   They are suggesting that you put country sports with child abuse and drink driving, to make it a criminal offence.

47.   He says success is judged on the number of people we manage to charge with criminal offences.

48.   New figures show that more than ten criminal offences are committed every minute in England and Wales.

49.   His sentence is for a civil matter, so he is entitled to certain privileges denied to inmates convicted of criminal offences.

50.   A large number of jubilant Boro fans ran on to the pitch to congratulate Pollock, a gesture which is now a criminal offence.

a. + offence >>共 147
criminal 15.20%
serious 9.07%
second 6.77%
alleged 6.64%
bookable 6.26%
similar 4.21%
same 4.21%
first 3.32%
sexual 3.19%
minor 3.19%
criminal + n. >>共 302
charge 15.23%
investigation 9.00%
record 7.00%
case 6.89%
activity 3.88%
trial 3.42%
prosecution 3.34%
gang 2.72%
complaint 2.21%
act 1.96%
offence 0.78%
每页显示:    共 118