41.   If the court rules for Gore, the vice president could still win the state as a result of other contested recounts now before state courts in Florida.

42.   If the court rules in her favor next week, Willard will be able to get on with her job at DLJ.

43.   In West Virginia, meanwhile, the no-stocks rule will stay, at least until a court rules on the issue.

44.   It could take as long as a year before the appeals court rules.

45.   It is simply wrong for one state to be under different, federal court rules than the rest of the country on such an important issue.

46.   Judge Brieant said that under court rules for deciding on motions to dismiss, he was required to assume, at this stage, that the charges were true.

47.   Judge John Fletcher, part of the three-judge appeals panel that granted the stay, said court rules prohibited him from commenting.

48.   Judges from the Haidian District Court refused to comment on the case, citing court rules.

49.   Jackson has declined to comment about the case until after the appeals court rules, which is expected to be in late spring or early summer.

50.   Juan Miguel has indicated, through his attorney, Gregory B. Craig that he would remain in the United States until the appeals court rules.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
rule 0.99%
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