41.   The Gore lawyers said that in any event, it was the Florida Legislature itself that passed the state constitutional provision governing appellate jurisdiction.

42.   The judge, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, urged Parliament to repeal a series of laws and constitutional provisions.

43.   The justices also said Congress could enact the statute under the constitutional provision giving federal lawmakers say over the regulation of interstate commerce.

44.   The lawyers had argued that the conference violated a constitutional provision stating that Egyptian law is fundamentally based on Islamic law, or sharia.

45.   The only thing missing from that Bill of Rights is a constitutional provision that would keep the government from falling into the hands of nitwits.

46.   Their lawyers contend that banning legal immigrants from receiving income assistance and food stamps violates constitutional provisions for equal protection.

47.   Under it, state courts are absolutely free to interpret state constitutional provisions to accord greater protection to individual rights than do similar provisions of the United States Constitution.

48.   Under the constitutional provision that allows presidents to bypass the confirmation process when Congress is in recess, Hormel can remain as ambassador until late next year.

49.   While Pataki can point to that ancient constitutional provision for removal, it was written hundreds of years before an independent panel was established for judicial discipline.

50.   Pierrette Venne, a Parliament member from Quebec, said Rock should use a constitutional provision to remove Bienvenue from the bench.

a. + provision >>共 684
new 5.12%
key 3.91%
constitutional 3.73%
similar 3.38%
such 2.99%
controversial 2.70%
special 2.63%
specific 1.88%
no 1.60%
statutory 1.46%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
provision 1.30%
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