41.   A conference committee of lawmakers from both houses will then develop a compromise bill to send to Perry before the session ends in late May.

42.   A conference committee will now meet to reconcile differences between the House and Senate versions.

43.   A conference committee will smooth over differences between the two bills.

44.   A conference committee will work out the differences in the proposals when Congress returns in September.

45.   A conference committee worked for nearly two weeks to resolve the differences.

46.   A bipartisan conference committee would then hammer out a compromise after holding public debates.

47.   A compromise between the two branches would be worked out in conference committee.

48.   A conference committee has been impaneled to seek a compromise, but given the seemingly irreconcilable, ideologically riven positions, consensus seems unlikely.

49.   A conference committee has been working for several weeks to try to resolve differences between competing state House and Senate plans.

50.   A conference committee is expected to be appointed shortly after Congress convenes.

n. + committee >>共 822
conference 10.34%
ethic 6.04%
selection 4.06%
sanction 3.77%
search 3.43%
bid 2.51%
budget 2.01%
government 1.93%
campaign 1.86%
management 1.70%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
每页显示:    共 779