41.   Vietnam said that one of its supply vessels had been fired upon by Taiwanese troops on Taiping, and condemned the incident as an act of aggression.

42.   KMT parliament coordinator Tseng Yung-chuan condemned the incident and called on Fu to make a formal apology to the public.

43.   Mexico condemned the incident, demanded swift justice for the offending officers and called for dialogue between its President Ernesto Zedillo and President Bill Clinton on border problems.

44.   Opposition newspapers here have been outspoken in condemning the incident.

45.   Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio also condemned the incident on Thursday.

46.   The incident was condemned by the international community.

47.   The incident was condemned by Democratic Party chairman Martin Lee and Alliance leader Tsang Yok-sing, and played down by Patten.

48.   The incident was condemned by Moscow and soured relations between Poland and Russia.

49.   The incident was roundly condemned by Gujarat chief minister Shankersingh Vaghela Friday before an emergency ministerial meeting over the affair.

v. + incident >>共 378
report 18.70%
investigate 15.91%
follow 5.93%
confirm 3.42%
discuss 3.10%
prevent 2.09%
describe 1.82%
see 1.68%
witness 1.58%
relate 1.54%
condemn 1.00%
condemn + n. >>共 839
attack 15.20%
violence 4.73%
killing 4.40%
bombing 4.02%
terrorism 2.16%
action 1.64%
move 1.58%
arrest 1.35%
act 1.33%
decision 1.33%
incident 0.97%
每页显示:    共 49