41.   Syria has rejected the idea, demanding that any agreement on Lebanon be part of a comprehensive package that includes the return of the Golan Heights.

42.   Thailand finance minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda told journalists the ASEAN finance ministers also agreed to form a comprehensive package of policies to deal with the problem of the currency crisis.

43.   The programme includes a comprehensive package called Sybase Developer Product Kit which comprises a set of powerful tools and database products.

44.   The ruling Liberal Democratic Party is expected to unveil a comprehensive package later this month.

45.   We will have a comprehensive package on the subject, including soundbites from financial experts.

46.   The TDB would also launch programmes this year providing a comprehensive package of financial assistance to help Singapore companies internationalise their business.

47.   Vajpayee is due to visit the site of the train massacre in Godhra and unveil a comprehensive package to help those who lost their homes or businesses through arson.

48.   Under the WTO, China has committed to carry out a comprehensive package aimed at freeing up trade and investments in two to five years.

a. + package >>共 1025
suspicious 5.33%
new 3.69%
economic 3.05%
whole 2.34%
small 2.08%
financial 2.08%
entire 2.06%
spending 1.83%
suspect 1.77%
complete 1.70%
comprehensive 1.06%
comprehensive + n. >>共 606
peace 7.36%
plan 3.77%
review 3.43%
settlement 2.93%
study 2.90%
coverage 2.37%
reform 1.71%
program 1.68%
package 1.50%
list 1.50%
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