41.   His comments echoed those of refugees who fled the village after the Russian assault.

42.   Such comments echo the sentiment of those being left with having to care for their loved ones suffering from one of the most dreadful and debilitating diseasesto inflict mankind.

43.   That comment echoed remarks made the previous night at a meeting of the World Jewish Congress in Oslo.

44.   The comments echoed previous Chinese protests that plans outlined by the new Bush administration for a system to knock out incoming ballistic missiles would upset arms-control efforts.

45.   Those comments echoed what Mubarak has been saying amid his threats.

46.   While her comments echoed old opposition themes, they came just hours before Ruehe was to testify Wednesday night before the investigatory panel.

47.   Her comments echoed those of Bosnian Serb General Ratko Mladic in a letter Monday to UN special envoy for the former Yugoslavia Yasushi Akashi.

48.   His comments echoed those of British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, who left here Monday after a two-day visit.

49.   His comments echoed those of his son, First Prime Minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh, who noted that the demonstration had been approved by authorities.

50.   His comments echoed the general sentiment in France and throughout the euro zone, where the single currency has slipped smoothly into daily use.

n. + echo >>共 480
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gunfire 2.25%
remark 2.07%
word 2.07%
official 2.07%
sound 1.98%
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leader 1.53%
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comment + v. >>共 408
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follow 2.95%
appear 2.04%
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