41.   A secret commando unit had plans to rescue the Canadian peacekeepers, the Ottawa Citizen reported Tuesday, quoting soldiers in the former Yugoslavia.

42.   A police commando unit concluded the grenades were Yugoslav-made.

43.   A Western intelligence source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said two Pakistani commando units were now in Afghanistan searching for bin Laden.

44.   A special commando unit was guarding government buildings Sunday and police were on alert nationwide.

45.   According to Maariv, Jordanian and Palestinian business people initiated the deal and at least one former member of an elite Israeli commando unit was involved in the sales.

46.   According to the travelers, the rebel effort also prompted Saddam to form the commando units under the command of his eldest son, Odai.

47.   According to the travelers, the rebel effort also prompted Saddam to form the commando units, which were put under the command of his eldest son, Odai.

48.   After it became apparent that there were no hostages, a commando unit of the paramilitary border police charged the house, killing the two Palestinians.

49.   After it became apparent that no hostages were involved, a commando unit of the paramilitary border police charged the house, killing the two Palestinians.

50.   After it became apparent that the attackers were not holding hostages, a commando unit of the paramilitary border police charged the house, killing the two Palestinians.

n. + unit >>共 1353
police 7.95%
army 7.16%
business 3.56%
commando 2.00%
service 1.46%
power 1.38%
security 1.13%
defense 1.09%
burn 1.04%
rebel 1.04%
commando + n. >>共 60
unit 29.57%
raid 21.68%
team 7.53%
operation 6.45%
force 6.27%
group 4.48%
attack 2.15%
leader 2.15%
mission 1.61%
action 1.43%
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