41.   But it was placed under seal so government officials could determine if it contained classified information.

42.   But it was not clear why they first suspected he might try to sell classified information.

43.   But Los Alamos officials also assured the Energy Department that there were fire walls in place to prevent the leakage of classified information, they added.

44.   But Republicans, led by Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, underlined their own suspicions that Huang secretly stayed in touch with his Lippo colleagues and exploited classified information.

45.   But the government is not saying Lee committed espionage by giving the classified information to another country or person.

46.   But she said the criminal penalties might discourage officials from disclosing classified information.

47.   But they adamantly deny that he passed any classified information to Japanese journalists.

48.   But the most critical failure of federal law enforcement was in not barring Lee from access to classified information sooner, Senate critics said.

49.   But when he sought even more classified information, senior counterintelligence officials resisted.

50.   Cacheris, a highly experienced lawyer, may ask that his side be given classified information necessary to mount a defense.

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