41.   Still, it is apparent that when the city wants to clean up its act, it can.

42.   That is because seemingly half the city wanted to meet the All-Stars after word of their success got out last August.

43.   The city had originally wanted to extend the day by an hour.

44.   The city just wanted to host a convention and, in fact, had solicited both parties.

45.   The city wants to widen the last three-quarters of a mile of this street from two to four lanes.

46.   The cities want to be reimbursed for the police and medical-care costs that shootings impose on them.

47.   The cities want to recoup medical and police costs costs due to gun violence.

48.   The city also wants to be compensated for taking a lower floor, which would have less sweeping views.

49.   The city wanted it.

50.   The city wanted tens of millions of dollars.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
city 0.40%
city + v. >>共 754
be 18.24%
have 8.71%
need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
do 1.09%
make 1.06%
take 1.01%
use 1.00%
offer 0.99%
want 0.92%
每页显示:    共 110