41.   Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said the city would try to prevail on him not to take the train and on the Braves not to let him take the train.

42.   Meanwhile, the city is trying to return stolen goods to their rightful owners.

43.   National Rifle Association of America officials said the city was trying to end-run state laws.

44.   Nearly every city is trying to keep its downtown from drying up.

45.   Neale also said that the city had tried to deprive him of his right of free speech.

46.   New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has warned that the city may try to stop Swiss financial institutions from doing business there, including dealing on Wall Street.

47.   Nor was the city trying to rid the downtown of Hispanics to make way for an ambitious redevelopment plan.

48.   Now, as it has done periodically, the city is trying to do something about the problem.

49.   Olathe Mayor Larry Campbell said the goals of the agreement did not mesh well with what his city has been trying to accomplish.

50.   On Thursday night and Friday morning, the city tried once again to take a count.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
city 0.49%
city + v. >>共 754
be 18.24%
have 8.71%
need 1.38%
remain 1.36%
try 1.13%
do 1.09%
make 1.06%
take 1.01%
use 1.00%
offer 0.99%
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