41.   As a consequence of that last round of Charter revision, the entire structure of city government changed.

42.   Armed with its new powers, the two-year-old control board is demonstrating backbone at last by taking over most of the city government.

43.   As a member of the Free Democrats, he became a locally-elected representative in the Frankfurt city government.

44.   As Franklin looks at her options, the city government struggles with the results of a recession that has dramatically cut into its income.

45.   As first deputy mayor, Powers has overall charge of the operations of city government, and most city commissioners report directly to him.

46.   As in other cities government buildings were burned and the main marketplace was razed along with many surrounding shops.

47.   As Jewish opposition grew, members of the party in the city government argued that there was no reason to defy the Jews and build it.

48.   As the city government prepared to deal for the first time with a nonconsensus budget, some officials bemoaned that the breakdown would ultimately hurt taxpayers.

49.   As the city government later turned its attention to reviving the South Bronx, Patterson helped guide its efforts, working with Mayors Ed Koch and David Dinkins.

50.   As New Yorkers of his day recall, he created a Kennedyesque excitement, bringing into city government bright young people of wit, zeal and imagination.

n. + government >>共 501
coalition 34.22%
city 11.06%
caretaker 7.76%
unity 4.73%
apartheid 2.35%
self-rule 1.86%
member 1.67%
post-taliban 1.63%
minority 1.51%
right-wing 1.38%
city + n. >>共 698
official 19.40%
center 5.84%
government 3.98%
street 3.96%
centre 3.86%
worker 1.83%
resident 1.71%
authority 1.63%
limit 1.45%
leader 1.44%
每页显示:    共 693