41.   Grover Joseph Rees, chief counsel of the House subcommittee that wrote the provision, said it also leaves the Clinton administration free to define abortion.

42.   He faces a basically friendly Senate Judiciary Committee, where he was once chief counsel and knows most of the key members.

43.   He was chief counsel to the McKay Commission, which investigated the Attica prison riots, and of the Senate Iran-contra committee.

44.   He was also special assistant to the chief counsel of the Internal Revenue Service.

45.   Her chief legal counsel Leonard Lewin is leaving early next month to return to private practice.

46.   His chief legal counsel has spent the last several days poring over expense reports looking for a hotel bill or restaurant receipt that might qualify as a smoking gun.

47.   Hyde even hired a lifelong Democrat from the Chicago area as his chief counsel of the investigation.

48.   In the U.S. Supreme Court case, Bush is represented by a group led by Olson, Michael Carvin and Benjamin Ginsberg, chief counsel to the Bush campaign.

49.   In the past two years, Blue Cross also lost its chief operating officer, chief financial officer, chief medical officer and chief counsel.

50.   Its chief counsel is Jay Sekulow, shown in his Atlanta office with his dog, Bubba.

a. + counsel >>共 204
independent 44.16%
general 15.91%
legal 6.92%
special 6.58%
chief 3.29%
former 2.85%
outside 2.00%
associate 1.45%
assistant 1.17%
senior 0.86%
chief + n. >>共 577
economist 6.02%
negotiator 6.01%
minister 5.06%
prosecutor 5.05%
officer 3.12%
investment 2.12%
rival 1.95%
inspector 1.79%
judge 1.77%
spokesman 1.69%
counsel 1.17%
每页显示:    共 126