41.   The crowd chanted slogans against Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad until riot police dispersed them with tear gas and a water cannon.

42.   The defendants stood behind the black iron bars of their cages and chanted anti-government slogans before the judge, Gen. Wagdi Alfi, entered and handed down the sentences.

43.   The large contingency of Brazilians chanted national slogans and a live band played South American sounds to the celebrating fans.

44.   The protesters had marched toward the Jewish enclaves, chanting slogans in Arabic rhyme.

45.   The predominately religious crowd chanted slogans of resistance to any relocation of Jews from the occupied territories.

46.   The stand-off was resolved as thousands of supporters of the Chechen cause lined the Turkish coast chanting anti-Russian slogans.

47.   Then, while one attacker chanted anti-reform slogans, the women were raped.

48.   They beat drums, chanted slogans and criticized Bush in a series of mostly peaceful demonstrations throughout the afternoon.

49.   They chanted pro-government slogans and demanded that she join the ruling party.

50.   They chanted slogans, hoping to drown out their opponents or to at least provide a running commentary.

v. + slogan >>共 144
shout 40.46%
chant 36.81%
paint 1.30%
use 1.30%
yell 1.11%
bear 1.04%
scream 0.98%
write 0.98%
spray 0.78%
daub 0.65%
chant + n. >>共 102
slogan 57.07%
name 14.14%
prayer 5.56%
song 2.02%
hymn 1.52%
support 1.31%
mantra 1.01%
verse 0.81%
obscenity 0.71%
nickname 0.61%
每页显示:    共 562