41.   Certifying election results has degenerated into public farce and unwelcome fame.

42.   Circuit Judge Jorge Labarga lifted an injunction issued last week that prevented the county canvassing board from certifying its results.

43.   Democratic Left leader Leszek Miller has announced he will start talks with all the parties once the results are certified.

44.   Fasano said another option would be a joint House-Senate resolution directing the state not to certify the results including hand counts.

45.   Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris has now certified the results of the election in Florida and declared George W. Bush the winner.

46.   Florida officials said it could be as late as next Tuesday before the state certifies ballot results from all counties.

47.   Gore, in Washington, cheered the order by the Supreme Court to stop Harris from certifying the results Saturday.

48.   Her decision to require counties to certify results on Tuesday prompted a sharp retort from Christopher.

49.   Her decision to require counties to certify results on Tuesday prompted a sharp retort from Warren Christopher, representing the Gore campaign.

50.   In a statement Friday, Annan said the U.N. mission would begin transferring administrative responsibilities to the elected municipal leaders once the results were certified.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
certify 0.59%
certify + n. >>共 270
result 11.79%
vote 4.66%
election 4.37%
winner 2.77%
case 2.47%
compliance 2.47%
slate 2.04%
country 1.60%
class 1.60%
product 1.60%
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