41.   It remains unclear who will handle the bulk of the investigation into campaign finance abuses.

42.   Lanny Davis, the White House aide for obscuring campaign finance abuses, jumped in with his usual syntactical loop-de-loops.

43.   Last week, Reno met with Chinese Minister of Justice Xiao Yang, and asked for his assistance with the U.S. investigation into possible campaign fund-raising abuses.

44.   McCain must rely on Clinton, even though the senator has twice demanded of Janet Reno that she appoint an independent counsel to investigate possible Clinton campaign money abuses.

45.   Ms. Liu was not a focus of Senate hearings last year that investigated campaign finance abuses.

46.   One thing that has become clear in the investigation of campaign abuses is that the universe needs to be mapped.

47.   Republican Senator Susan Collins is at the center of hearings into campaign finance abuses.

48.   Republicans say she never even got close on Waco or on alleged campaign finance abuses by administration officials, including Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.

49.   Reno and FBI Director Louis Freeh are scheduled to testify before a House panel that is investigating campaign finance abuses.

50.   Republicans are already prematurely crowing that her new move means appointing a special counsel is now unavoidable to examine whether Gore was personally involved in potential campaign finance abuse.

n. + abuse >>共 239
child 27.44%
drug 22.34%
alcohol 8.59%
sex 5.22%
right 4.84%
police 3.41%
campaign 2.94%
human-rights 2.22%
finance 1.84%
clergy 1.38%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
abuse 0.57%
每页显示:    共 93