41.   As consumers find themselves getting buried under an avalanche of holiday credit-card debt, Andrew F. Capoccia sounds almost too good to be true.

42.   As proof, they point to recently uncovered forests of giant trees, buried under the dried remains of centuries-old lahars.

43.   As Soviet censorship eased, the Soviet people rushed to rediscover books and parts of their own history that had been buried under a rigid Communist ideology.

44.   As Western Michigan began burying itself under an avalanche of missed shots, the Cardinal cruised to an easy victory.

45.   As her first subject, she chose executive contracts, the reports often ignored by investors and buried under hundreds of other documents.

46.   As the supply of fruits and berries dwindles and seeds become buried under the snow, it is important to keep bird feeders full and water available.

47.   At the Viking site near here, artifacts were locked in permafrost and buried under several feet of sand.

48.   Because Congress is currently considering appropriations bills as well as legislation that would reauthorize the arts agency, House and Senate offices have been buried under mail and faxes.

49.   Because everyone is buried under plastic hoods talking through gas masks, understanding the spoken word is spotty at best.

50.   Because he had asked to be buried under a Turkish tree, a group of admirers gathered at his grave in Moscow last year and planted one there.

v. + under >>共 914
remain 6.49%
operate 3.74%
work 2.61%
live 2.39%
bury 1.82%
be 1.46%
hide 1.44%
lie 1.44%
play 1.36%
sell 1.33%
bury + p. >>共 70
in 56.87%
under 10.22%
at 7.30%
on 5.35%
with 4.51%
beneath 3.16%
near 1.63%
for 0.79%
inside 0.73%
nearby 0.67%
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