41.   If the bullet hits dead center, the sound waves reach each microphone at precisely the same moment.

42.   If you walk, the bullet hits you.

43.   It went on to say that even though hit by bullets himself, Purrier drove you to the hospital, Robert, but it was too late.

44.   Not a single Serb bullet hit a single NATO soldier.

45.   Nineteen bullets hit Diallo.

46.   On Tuesday, bullets hit a community center at the settlement, prompting the army action.

47.   Of course, a mine would explode if the bullet hits it.

48.   One bullet hit one of the robbers in the face, and the pair fled without taking a dime.

49.   One bullet hit the officer, but did not penetrate his vest.

n. + hit >>共 961
shell 3.44%
ball 2.69%
plane 2.64%
missile 2.43%
bullet 2.21%
bomb 1.78%
car 1.78%
rocket 1.78%
storm 1.44%
shot 1.38%
bullet + v. >>共 193
hit 16.27%
strike 9.61%
be 5.75%
pierce 4.38%
go 3.86%
graze 3.53%
kill 2.68%
fly 2.55%
enter 2.48%
shatter 2.42%
每页显示:    共 248