41.   The broadcasters say they serve the public interest by carrying live reports at times of crisis and providing scores of public-service announcements at no charge.

42.   The broadcasters say the chip would be ineffective and interfere with their ability to transmit other kinds of information alongside the standard television signal.

43.   The broadcasters said they wanted the option of using the new frequencies to provide a single channel of movies and live-action sports of exceptionally high resolution.

44.   The satellite-television broadcaster also said it plans to seek another partner in a bid to build its satellite network.

45.   They say they are afraid such a sale will destroy free TV, as broadcasters say it would.

46.   To compete in the secular marketplace, broadcasters say, they must work hard to promote the audience.

47.   Broadcasters said they are ready for any fireworks during the televised campaign slots of parliamentary candidates.

48.   Broadcasters say digital TV sets are too expensive and argue their digital programming must be offered immediately on cable systems to reach a wide audience.

49.   Broadcasters like Herzl say pirate radio stations keep underprivileged ethnic communities on the air.

50.   Broadcasters say its content, as yet unknown, will dictate how far they can go.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
broadcaster 0.02%
broadcaster + v. >>共 329
say 8.65%
be 8.47%
have 5.55%
report 2.73%
use 2.16%
offer 2.07%
want 1.88%
pay 1.88%
provide 1.88%
oppose 1.79%
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