41.   Powell pressed the leader to end the Palestinian suicide bombing campaign against Israel.

42.   Posada said Mas was also very much aware that he was behind the hotel bombing campaign last year.

43.   Rahimi is a Kosovo Albanian refugee who went to the United States, but then returned to Kosovo after the NATO bombing campaign.

44.   Protests in Pakistan were outlawed after the U.S. bombing campaign began.

45.   Plus, the NATO bombing campaign, which continued into this week, helped him strengthen his grip back home by shattering his opposition.

46.   Rebel units patrol dusty country lanes, staff roadblocks and guard those camps that were not hit by an intensive government bombing campaign.

47.   Russia and China have been the strongest international critics of the NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, and they are seeking to develop closer ties overall.

48.   Sections of the Danube are already heavily polluted after the NATO bombing campaign last year that targeted oil and gas refineries.

49.   Since the US bombing campaign ended last month, Iraq has repeatedly challenged American and British war planes patrolling the zones.

50.   Still, the Palestinian suicide bombing campaign continued, with the seventh attack in as many days.

v. + campaign >>共 789
launch 9.99%
begin 4.48%
bomb 3.55%
wage 3.32%
run 2.65%
start 2.43%
mount 2.43%
lead 2.38%
finance 2.28%
continue 2.18%
bomb + n. >>共 310
campaign 14.74%
target 6.59%
position 5.91%
raid 4.30%
village 3.96%
attack 3.90%
area 3.67%
building 1.83%
city 1.83%
airport 1.66%
每页显示:    共 256