41.   Kurdish militants have been blamed for a series of fire bombings against Turkish targets in Germany.

42.   No one has claimed responsibility for the killings but police are blaming ethnic militants.

43.   No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, but police blamed Kashmiri militants, who are fighting security forces for independence of the northern state.

44.   No one was hurt, and police blamed Palestinian militants.

45.   New Delhi blamed Islamic militants backed by Pakistan.

46.   New Delhi blames the militants for terrorist attacks in the disputed province of Kashmir and other parts of India.

47.   No one claimed responsibility for either attacks, but police blamed militants belonging to the Mohajir Qaumi Movement, a linguistic and ethnic group.

48.   No one claimed responsibility for the killings, but police blamed militants belonging to the Mohajir Qaumi Movement, a linguistic and ethnic group.

49.   No one has claimed responsibility for either blast, but police blame militants from the Bodo tribe who are seeking an autonomous homeland.

50.   No one has claimed responsibility for either attack, but the independent Algerian newspapers Le Matin, Liberte and El Khabar all blamed Islamic militants.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
blame + n. >>共 1810
attack 4.60%
government 2.54%
rebel 2.32%
problem 1.96%
death 1.96%
loss 1.52%
lack 1.45%
group 1.31%
delay 1.26%
decline 1.21%
militant 0.91%
每页显示:    共 88