41.   The corporation blamed lack of roads, weather and other infrastructure.

42.   The student, who had worked on the bonfire the year before, blamed a lack of training for the loose wiring.

43.   The U.S. has issued an interim report to Congress, which blamed any lack of PLO compliance on inefficiency.

44.   Warrington blamed lack of money for the delays.

45.   We blame a lack of parental supervision and the absence of school discipline.

46.   While growth often takes time to translate into new employment, economists and politicians blame the lack of jobs on an inflexible labor market rather than economic weakness.

47.   Others blame a lack of leadership and wonder why no high-ranking heads have rolled in the aftermath of the scandals.

48.   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said Monday that obstacles persist in peace talks with Israel and blamed the lack of progress on Israeli intransigence.

49.   A recent European report charging local officials are corrupt is wrong, a Bosnian official said Saturday, blaming lack of common customs and police institutions for possible smuggling.

50.   Adolph Rodriguez Saa blamed a lack of party support for his decision.

v. + lack >>共 270
cite 13.59%
blame 6.99%
show 6.25%
include 3.97%
protest 3.72%
lament 3.17%
criticize 2.98%
reflect 2.88%
say 2.53%
bemoan 2.38%
blame + n. >>共 1810
attack 4.60%
government 2.54%
rebel 2.32%
problem 1.96%
death 1.96%
loss 1.52%
lack 1.45%
group 1.31%
delay 1.26%
decline 1.21%
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