41.   As much as a third of Australia -- a continent big as the mainland U.S. -- could be up for grabs.

42.   At the moment, one would assume that the baseball looks as big as a blimp to Olerud.

43.   At Toy Fair, where hyperbole is rampant, nearly every exhibitor touts his or her new offering as a breakthrough that will be as big as Beanie Babies.

44.   Back when I was in college computers were as big as this room, and everything was punch cards.

45.   Bahrke gives off an energy, an aura, that is as big as the mountains and could probably light houses as far away as Texas.

46.   Big as a moose, but considerably more kempt, she was chewing on shrubs along the edge of the driveway.

47.   Big as that tent is, it appears admission comes only for those with the right frame of mind and proper message.

48.   Biotech is now as big as lobstering and potato-harvesting combined.

49.   Big as a car, it could not have fit into a small airplane, let alone a missile.

50.   Big enough to stock all you need, but not so big as to get lost in.

a. + as >>共 1435
important 2.51%
simple 1.45%
high 1.38%
big 1.34%
old 1.03%
large 1.02%
diverse 1.00%
early 0.97%
strong 0.95%
available 0.91%
big + p. >>共 39
as 38.07%
for 21.20%
in 14.13%
on 13.22%
of 3.33%
at 1.75%
to 1.33%
by 0.83%
into 0.67%
around 0.50%
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