41.   Kohut said the best argument for the tax cuts appears to be the slowing economy.

42.   So far, however, the best argument in favor of a cosmological constant borders on silliness.

a. + argument >>共 903
closing 13.01%
oral 5.85%
legal 4.41%
opening 3.35%
final 3.00%
same 2.94%
heated 2.93%
strong 2.13%
similar 1.74%
good 1.70%
best 0.82%
best + n. >>共 923
way 7.61%
player 4.01%
friend 3.26%
thing 2.87%
chance 2.44%
team 2.22%
interest 1.65%
time 1.47%
record 1.32%
part 1.22%
argument 0.11%
每页显示:    共 42