41.   His court-appointed lawyer, Tazewell T. Hubard III, said Salvi had been ill since entering prison, experiencing nausea, diarrhea and blurred vision.

42.   Her son, Stuart, has been deaf since birth and does not lip-read.

43.   His nutritional state is better since the surgery but still needs improvement, Gray said.

44.   I had been aboard since Culpepper, Va., and we had stopped in Atlanta briefly with Lyndon making his usual corn pone speech from the caboose.

45.   If there has been any consistent parallel between baseball and mainstream culture since the Brotherhood Wars, it has been the complex struggle between worker and boss.

46.   Knowing Susie and Jane had been inseparable since kindergarten, Phyllis would take it as a personal challenge to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

47.   Kevin Appier and Aaron Sele have upgraded the rotation, Tim Salmon is hitting again, and Darin Erstad has been hot since recovering from a concussion.

48.   Middleware, a layer of software residing above the operating system that applications can run on, has been around since the mainframe days.

49.   More importantly, it sparked the team out of the doldrums it had been in since arriving in Oakland.

50.   My teeth are nearly perfect, but one eye has been cross-eyed since childhood.

v. + since >>共 841
have 8.11%
change 3.05%
see 2.31%
miss 2.11%
hold 2.01%
close 1.71%
be 1.66%
play 1.47%
improve 1.32%
kill 1.30%
be + p. >>共 83
in 38.86%
for 12.65%
on 9.80%
at 8.82%
with 3.64%
by 3.25%
among 2.97%
to 2.73%
of 1.92%
during 1.36%
since 0.56%
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