41.   Belgrade is also being asked to pass a law that would allow the transfer of indicted people to The Hague without making any prior determination of guilt or innocence.

42.   Boris Y. Nemtsov, a reformist deputy prime minister who is close to Kiriyenko, appears likely to be asked to return to the Cabinet.

43.   Added scrutiny means, for instance, that passengers at San Jose airport are being asked to remove computer laptops from travel cases so they can be X-rayed separately.

44.   After being asked to resign, Kerasiotes told his staff he did not plan to go home because television crews were staking him out in front of his house.

45.   After being asked to run the new Philadelphia Marriage Council, she returned to college.

46.   After years of failed efforts to move the whole capital to Anchorage or thereabouts, voters are being asked to consider moving just the legislative sessions.

47.   After saving so many games for the Chicago Bulls, Jordan is being asked to help save the NBA season, but that might be difficult even for him.

48.   Allen was soon finding his pieces being melted down into gray lead or being asked to rewrite them in murkier English.

49.   Boutros-Ghali is also being asked to encourage talks between between rival factions in Burundi, with the help of African leaders and the organization of African Unity.

50.   But does this trend mean journalists are being asked to skirt the line between news and entertainment?

v. + ask >>共 75
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man 0.56%
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froemming 0.56%
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be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
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