41.   Budanov asked judges Tuesday to bar journalists from the courtroom, threatening to refuse to testify otherwise.

42.   But foreign journalists were barred from all sessions except for the opening ceremony Tuesday.

43.   But Beijing has also indicated that journalists will be barred from advocating independence for Hong Kong or Taiwan, which China regards as a renegade province.

44.   But three days later, the government once again tightened the closure and barred the journalists, citing fears of attacks leading up to the elections.

45.   Casualty figures for Saturday were not immediately available since the government has barred journalists from the area.

46.   Chinese reporters have been allowed onto the pier where searchers are bringing bodies and wreckage, but foreign journalists are barred.

47.   Curfews and an Israeli military order barring journalists made it impossible to approach.

48.   Domestic journalists are barred from working for foreign media and must obtain government approval before passing on information to foreign reporters.

49.   During the earlier sweep through the West Bank, Israel declared some areas closed military zones, thereby barring journalists.

50.   During the earlier sweep through the West Bank, Israel declared some areas closed military zones and barred journalists.

v. + journalist >>共 451
bar 7.54%
tell 5.13%
kill 4.04%
allow 3.51%
arrest 3.04%
prevent 2.91%
include 2.72%
keep 2.50%
detain 2.19%
release 2.00%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
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