41.   The band played Fanfare for the Common Man, conducted by Mr Davis, using a piece of environmentally-friendly aluminium conductor rail.

42.   You can judge for yourself when the band play Middlesbrough Arena tonight.

43.   At Allendale in Northumberland the Guisers go their rounds from mid-evening while a band plays near an unlit bonfire.

44.   She then stood sombrely facing the memorial while the regimental band played Land of My Fathers.

45.   The Royal party proceeded outside to the lawns where a silver band was playing the Cornish Floral Dance.

46.   Alongside countless other hopefuls, these bands have played around unpaid or low-paying neighborhood clubs, downtown and in Brooklyn.

47.   An eight-piece band played Barry White.

48.   An official speaks, a band plays, a poet reads.

49.   And all the while a popular band played blues in the background.

50.   And then the band would play and we would dance the night away.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
band + v. >>共 693
be 13.74%
play 12.50%
have 4.66%
perform 2.30%
do 1.48%
take 1.42%
go 1.33%
make 1.12%
come 1.06%
get 1.03%
每页显示:    共 411