41.   Defense lawyers for the five accused told Lenard they tried to get Cuban authorities to let the witnesses come to the United States.

42.   Earlier this month, police Chief Jean-Nesy Lucien denied authorities were letting the men go free.

43.   He said for the economy to get back on track, the authorities should let the weaker financial institutions fail.

44.   Khachadpai said Thai authorities cannot let the Burmese live freely in Bangkok because they are illegal immigrants.

45.   Macedonian authorities do not let them leave the camps or receive visitors, and there is no way to make telephone calls.

46.   Macedonian authorities do not let them leave the camps or receive visitors.

47.   North Korean authorities let Southern visitors use a nearby hot spring.

48.   So the authorities let the operators lobby them to increase the number.

49.   She refused to leave Myanmar, fearing that the authorities would never let her return.

50.   Thai authorities did let Sin Song seek refuge in a third country, and he applied to go to Sri Lanka as a businessman.

n. + let >>共 1203
government 3.11%
program 2.46%
official 2.05%
software 1.87%
law 1.70%
company 1.65%
authority 1.65%
police 1.62%
system 1.44%
site 1.34%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
let 0.16%
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