41.   I think that today, audiences want to get more involved than that.

42.   I was surprised to learn that preview audiences wanted her blood.

43.   If audiences do not want to see a film, it seems, no amount of cajoling will bring them in.

44.   In a time of national worry, do audiences want to be distracted from grim and upsetting realities?

45.   Laughs are what the home audience wants, scattered generously around brief interludes of drama.

46.   Mr. Rohmer follows that dictum beautifully, exposing so much about his characters that he leaves the audience wanting even more.

47.   Mr. Winiker had an infectious smile and an uncanny ability to sense what his audience wanted to hear.

48.   Older audiences might not want to fight their way through a rowdy arena crowd or a stadium parking lot jammed with drunken revelers.

49.   Now the audience wants to see it, which is a step back in my estimation.

50.   Or audiences may just want to see the near-nude dancing of the star and her two backup strippers.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
audience 0.29%
audience + v. >>共 578
be 20.40%
have 3.24%
see 2.99%
respond 2.07%
want 2.00%
get 1.95%
laugh 1.85%
know 1.80%
seem 1.78%
cheer 1.53%
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